Your Theatre Company
Submit an application to take on a project with Trainwreck Productions!
At Trainwreck Productions, we're all about producing unique, quality theatre productions, and we're also about taking risks and encouraging you to do the same (at least theatrically speaking)!

If you have a production you want to happen, TWP wants to help you make it happen!  Please submit us a show application!  We welcome original works, published works, strainght plays, musicals, full productions, workshop productions... any theatre you desire to produce.  We encourage unique, low-budget, and "found space" productions.

Download and fill out an application.  You can email your completed application as an attachment to Decker, TWP Artistic Director at decker@trainwreckproductions.org or mail it to Trainwreck Productions, 7721 Olde Massey Rd, Dubuque, IA 52003.

We, the good folk of Trainwreck Productions will read your application, think about it, take a break, and think about it some more.  If we like what you have in mind, you'll get the green light, and TWP will hook you up with venues, rights, publicity, and we'll proudly slap our Crossing-Sign-of-Approval on your project.  Like the census, the application takes less than ten minutes - so what are you waiting for!?! Fill it out and send it in!

Right click the link version you want to download and select "Save Target As..." :

Word Doc Application   |   Adobe PDF Application


Positions Open!

Technical Director - Coordinates production technologies, their proper execution, and oversees scenic builds and light hangs as neccessary.  Will also serve as a member of the board of directors and attend (flexible) monthly meetings.  Position is voluntary, as are all TWP board and staff positions.

Production Manager - Coordinates and secures venues, rehearsal space, audition space, performance rights, production personnel and other faculties as assigned by the Artistic Director. Will also serve as a member of the board of directors and attend (flexible) monthly meetings. Position is voluntary, as are all TWP board and staff positions.

If you are interested in either position, please contact Decker, TWP Artistic Director at decker@trainwreckproductions.org. 

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