Doctor Faustus

a devilish new musical



'I'm so sorry' Laveau beat (top of Act I)

* A second Gretchen/Faustus scene (Act I) with a brief "More" reprise

A new Act II opening/montage/song/turn: "24 Years" (lyrics/scene and audio below)

* Clarified 'Deal with the Devil' scene between Marie Laveau and Papa Legba (Act II)

Clarified 'Once Upon a Time' / 'Quentin Tarantino' scene (Act II, near the end)

I haven't added the 'home life' / Faustus-Wagner run-in scene... the new Act II set-up with "24 Years" and original "Where Off/Where Now" achieves what I was thinking this scene would.  I think the clarified Laveau/Legba and 'Tarantino' scene also help.  The only thing I haven' addressed is what the Act II relationship between Faustus and Christopher is... but I kind of like it that way.  Anyhoo... point is, for the time being, that's a choice not neglect.

Let me know if you have any thought or input.  Thanks!!!

NEW script

Edits since D&D are on the BLUE pages.

New material since D&D are on the PINK pages.

D&DFaustus-2.pdf D&DFaustus-2.pdf
Size : 1184.214 Kb
Type : pdf

"24 Years" song

The new Act II montage opener

(MIDI file and PDF scene/lyrics)

24 Years.mid 24 Years.mid
Size : 16.2 Kb
Type : mid
24 Years.pdf 24 Years.pdf
Size : 349.698 Kb
Type : pdf

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