* indicates Trainwreck Productions CORE company (ensemble member)



RYAN M. DECKER * (Director / Set & Puppet Designer / TWP Managing Director) has most recently appeared in Twelfth Night (Sir Toby Belch), The Aliens (Evan), and Romeo & Juliet (Friar Lawrence). His theatre credits in New Orleans include work with Southern Rep, The NOLA Project, The New Movement, Theatre UNO, Delgado Theatre Club, and The Mighty Lincoln Company. Projects of his recent work have received awards from the National Kennedy Center for the Arts, Midwest EMMY® and ADDY Awards, as well as multiple Big Easy Nominations.

Ryan is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree in Performance & Direction from the University of New Orleans, where he also directs productions and teaches undergraduate acting and directing classes in the Film & Theatre Department.

This fall, Ryan plays Oskar in the New Orleans tour of Oskar and the Countless Costume Changes; Mr. McQueen in NOLA Project's Urinetown, the Musical; and directs the regional premiere of The Royale at Theatre UNO.

Special thanks to the cast and TWP for this opportunity. Extra-special thanks to Amanda for making everything possible.

Portfolio: RyanDecker.net.


ANDREA BECKER (Jessica) is a human being. She frequently performs basic human functions like eating, sleeping, and using language to communicate. Less frequently, she enjoys photography, foraging, and holding cute animals. Even less frequently, she appears in a stage production like this one.
NICHOLAS JOHNSON * (Pastor Greg / TWP Interim Artistic Director) is an ever changing conglomeration of cells powered by the chemical breakdown of various molecules. These chemical reactions allow him to perform relatively complex actions, such as performing music with the JJ Schmitz Duo and pretending to be other humans entirely in theatrical productions, such as The Mistakes Madeline MadeSpamalotReefer Madness, and The Full Monty. Electrical activity in his brain allows him to hope that you enjoy the show!
TYE STIERMAN (Jason / Tyrone) is back in Dubuque and excited to be working with Trainwreck again. Tye was last seen in 2013's [title of show] as Jeff. He enjoys soft pretzels and good beer.
GWEN WERNER * (Margery) is a sorority drop out from Iowa. She lives on one of many Main Streets in rural Wisconsin with her dude and her dog, Terry Funk. She's authored two chapbooks and runs a literary magazine mostly for women and non-binary people called Moonsick Magaine. She grew up doing puppet shows for kids in Sunday school, but eventually got herself kicked out of bible college. So things go. If you give a good goddamn, you can find her here: www.gwenwerner.com.

LOGAN WRIGHT * (Timothy) has been a member of Trainwreck Productions for three years and has returned again for Hand to God. Previous shows include Mr. MarmaladeThe Mistakes Madeline Made, and Reefer Madness with Trainwreck, as well as productions with other theatre companies in the Dubuque area.

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