We are beginning our election process for Trainwreck Productions' Summer 2010 Board of Directors.  Below is information on how to be considered for a position:


To be considered, you must have participated in the cast, crew, staff or production team of pool (no water) and/or Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog or served as a board member during Trainwreck Productions' 2009 Season.


ALL BOARD MEMBERS are expected to attend board meetings (typically 1-2 per month starting November).  At these meetings, board memebers share and discuss issues and ideas relevant to the operations of Trainwreck Productions and the production of specific shows, which may be followed by a vote.  Voting may include determining shows of the upcoming season, selecting directors and designers for particular shows, etc.

Board members will also be expected to complete tasks (such as making phonecall arrangments, running errands, etc.) as administerd at board meetings.


We are going to try and see how our board functions without any specific positions (i.e. president, vice president, secreatary, etc.)  However, if determined at a later date that positions are nessecary, we are asking applicant-canidates to indicate what position(s) they are most interested in, and what positions they WILL NOT accept to possibly help us determine positions in the future.  Board position descriptions can be found here.


Email Ryan Decker (production manager) at decker@publicist.com with your name and a BREIF paragraph statement on why you want to be on the Trainwreck Productions Board and what to the board you would like to provide.  Indicate if you are interested in a specific board position(s) and/or if there is a specific board position(s) you WILL NOT accept (as explained in the note above).


10:00 PM, Monday, September 7, 2009.


In this space, we will keep a running list of potential shows for 2011!

Andrew Lippa's Wild Party (m)

One  Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (p)

Count Dracula (p)


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